
Tambo Blanquillo stands as a testament to the harmony between adventure and conservation. Founded in 1988 by Luis Raffo, this extraordinary nature retreat offers a unique gateway to the wonders of the Manu National Park in Peru. Spanning an expansive 400 hectares within the park’s buffer zone, Tambo Blanquillo beckons travelers with its three lagoons, captivating macaw claylick, mammal claylicks, and a panoramic canopy tower. Join us on an unforgettable journey through the pristine wilderness, where the magic of the Amazon rainforest comes to life.

Experience the Magic

Tambo Blanquillo is a haven for nature enthusiasts, offering a range of experiences that showcase the unparalleled biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest.

Macaw Clay-lick

One of the highlights of a visit to Tambo Blanquillo is the mesmerizing Blanquillo Clay-Lick in Manu National Park. This natural phenomenon draws visitors from around the world, providing a rare opportunity to witness colorful macaws in their natural habitat. The sight of these vibrant birds congregating at the clay lick is a spectacle that leaves a lasting impression, showcasing the rich biodiversity that the Amazon rainforest is renowned for. At Tambo Blanquillo, guests can immerse themselves in the beauty of this captivating display, making it a must-see experience for birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts alike.

Canopy Tower

For those seeking a unique perspective on the Amazon rainforest, Tambo Blanquillo’s Canopy Tower offers a thrilling vantage point. Perched high above the treetops, this observation tower provides panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness. From this elevated position, guests can witness the intricate tapestry of the rainforest canopy, gaining insight into the complex ecosystem that sustains life below. Birdwatchers will be particularly delighted, as the Canopy Tower offers a prime location to spot various avian species, adding an extra layer of excitement to the Amazon rainforest lodge experience.

Oxbow lakes

Tambo Blanquillo is graced with a collection of enchanting oxbow lakes, each presenting a unique ecosystem and a wealth of natural wonders. These secluded bodies of water provide a tranquil setting for guests to explore the diverse aquatic life and lush surroundings. Whether navigating the lakes by boat or strolling along their banks, visitors can encounter an array of flora and fauna that call these oxbow lakes home. It’s a serene experience that allows for a deeper connection with the untouched beauty of the Amazon rainforest, showcasing the lodge’s commitment to preserving and sharing the wonders of this pristine environment.

Conservation and Adventure

At Tambo Blanquillo, the commitment to conservation is woven into the fabric of the Amazon rainforest lodge experience. Founded with a vision of protecting and preserving the delicate ecosystems of Manu National Park, the lodge serves as a gateway for guests to not only witness the splendor of nature but also actively contribute to its preservation.

Experienced Guides

Guided by knowledgeable and experienced naturalists, guests at Tambo Blanquillo embark on a journey of discovery. These guides, well-versed in the intricacies of the rainforest, share their insights into the diverse flora and fauna, providing a deeper understanding of the delicate balance that sustains life in this remarkable ecosystem. Through educational walks, boat excursions, and immersive experiences, guests are empowered to appreciate and contribute to the conservation efforts that define Tambo Blanquillo’s mission.

Tambo Blanquillo stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism, inviting travelers to explore the wonders of the Amazon rainforest while actively participating in its conservation. Founded on the principles of adventure, education, and preservation, this lodge offers a unique and enriching experience that goes beyond the ordinary. As you embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Manu National Park, Tambo Blanquillo beckons you to witness the magic of the Amazon rainforest in all its glory.

You can visit Manu National Park with us, contact us for booking a date on Tambo Blanquillo to meet the greatest biodiversity ever.

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