Immerse yourself in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest

Manu National Park is one of the most biodiverse places on earth

Immerse yourself in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest

Manu National Park is one of the most biodiverse places on earth

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Safaris in Manu National Park

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This program adds up one extra night to our best-selling Manu Express. Depart from either Cusco or Puerto Maldonado. Expedition specially recommended for families with kids over the age of 10, who are very keen on the natural world!

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Our short and sweet tour. Spend 4 days and 3 nights in the deep amazon jungle, visiting all of our world-famous attractions. A great way to compliment your travels to Cusco and the Sacred Valley.

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For hardcore naturalists and birdwatchers! Spend a couple of days travelling the altitudinal gradient of the famous Manu Road, and finish with 4 days of uninterrupted attractions at the Tambo Blanquillo Private Nature Reserve.

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Remote location, a huge altitudinal gradient, optimal weather conditions, plus extensive- inhabited territory: are the key main ingredients that make Manu Reserve an extremely diverse and highly-dense populated region of flora and fauna.

World's bird species
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World's bird species
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Attractions in Manu National Park

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The Blanquillo Clay-Lick in Manu National Park is a captivating natural phenomenon that draws visitors from around the world.

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The Canopy Tower in Tambo Blanquillo is a thrilling vantage point that offers a unique perspective on the captivating Amazon rainforest.

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Cocha Blanco stands out as a true gem and Cocha Blanquillo is a magnificent oxbow lake that offers an unforgettable encounter with the wonders of nature. located only a few minutes away from the Lodge.

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Book your wildlife adventure at Tambo Blanquillo Mammal Clay Lick and witness Amazonian wildlife in action! 

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About Tambo Blanquillo

Founded in 1988 by Luis Raffo, Tambo Blanquillo offers an extraordinary nature retreat. Spanning 400 hectares in the Manu National Park buffer zone, our lodge features three lagoons, a captivating macaw claylick, mammal claylicks, and a panoramic canopy tower.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where adventure and conservation meet. Our experienced guides will lead you on an unforgettable journey through this pristine wilderness. Join us and experience the magic of Manu National Park at Tambo Blanquillo.

Planning Your Adventure: Manu National Park Trips
Planning Your Adventure: Manu National Park Trips

Manu National Park, a gem nestled in the Peruvian Amazon, offers an unforgettable journey through one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. If you’re planning to explore this UNESCO World Heritage site, understanding the various trip options available can help you choose the perfect adventure that suits your needs and expectations. Here’s everything you need to know about planning your trip to Manu National Park. Types of Tours in Tambo Blanquillo Manu Safari – 4 Days / 3 Nights The four-day Manu Safari is a perfect introduction to the Amazon for those on a tighter schedule. This tour typically …

Understanding Weather Patterns in Manu National Park
Understanding Weather Patterns in Manu National Park

Manu National Park, located in the heart of Peru’s Amazon Rainforest, is not only a biodiversity hotspot but also a place of varying and fascinating weather patterns. If you’re planning a visit, understanding the weather in Manu National Park is crucial for a pleasant and safe experience. This comprehensive guide will equip you with all the information you need about the climate throughout the year. Seasonal Weather Variations The Wet Season Running from November to April, the wet season in Manu National Park is characterized by heavy rainfall. During these months, the park receives the bulk of its annual precipitation, …

Peru: A Global Leader in Bird Diversity
Peru: A Global Leader in Bird Diversity

Peru is a country renowned for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and unparalleled biodiversity, particularly when it comes to bird species. With an incredible variety of habitats, from the Amazon rainforest to the Andes mountains, it’s no surprise that Peru is considered the top country in the world for bird diversity. In this article of Tambo Blanquillo, we will tell you more about the diversity of birds that exists in Peru and the great recognition it has for its diversity of birds. Unveiling the Diversity Peru’s bird diversity is not just a number; it’s a reflection of the country’s commitment …

Amazonian plants and their survival mechanisms
Amazonian plants and their survival mechanisms

Animals have a series of advantages over their plant’s counterparts. First of all, we are mobile, we can move searching for food and resources, and can run away from or fight a predator. Plant in the other hand, are still. And they better find a way to compete with all the other plants for the vital minerals in the soil and the sunlight. Even more important, is how they keep predators at bay. Given that the Amazon Rainforest has the highest number of plant species per unit of area, it is not hard to believe that some crazy evolution strategies …

About the birds in Tambo Blanquillo
About the birds in Tambo Blanquillo

Tambo Blanquillo –located in a pristine area of the Manu Biosphere Reserve– is known for having registered more than 400 bird species. However, many of those species are easy to see elsewhere in the Amazon. Which species are easy to see in Tambo Blanquillo, but hard to find elsewhere? Read this blog post to figure it out. The Purus Jacamar is a small brown bird that is reminiscent of a Kingfisher. This bird, while not endemic, is restricted to relatively small patch of the Western Amazon. In addition to that, this bird has keen preference for old, patchy oxbow lakes. …

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Unforgettable experiences at Tambo Blanquillo

Marcos R
Marcos R
El lodge, los atractivos como la collapse de guacamayos, la torre de campungo, espectaculares. Servicio de primera, muy buenas acomodaciones, los atractivos de la zona vale la pena visitarlos, hay un muy buen escondite para ver la collpa, la torre de observación de Camungo es impresionante al lado de una ceiba gigante.
Tambo Blanquillo,... La EXPERIENCIA en Perú! Viajamos desde Europa a Perú en familia. Hemos estado 25 días visitando varias maravillas del país (Huacachina, Arequipa, Cuzco, Machu Pichu...) pero, sin duda, lo q más huella nos ha dejado es nuestra estancia en Tambo Blanquillo. Visitar la colpa por las mañanas para ver el espectáculo q nos brindan los guacamayos y los loros, descubrír a los monos entre los árboles, los lobos de rio, conocer a Martín (el caimán), pescar pirañas.... Será algo q nunca vamos a olvidar. Mis hijos (de 14 y 11 años) es lo q recuerdan con más intensidad (a pesar de los madrugones) y la experiencia q quieren repetir. Q en la mitad de la selva, Rufina prepare platos tan ricos (y sin gluten para mi hijo celiaco...!!!) es impresionante por no hablar de los jugos... Sin duda, es una visita q recomiendo a todo el mundo por la calidad de la gente que se encarga (no me quiero olvidar tampoco del guía - chapeau David Fuertes!) ni de Federico y los demás siempre atentos a nuestras necesidades y peticiones y, de Stefano y Mafer q nos ayudaron con la gestión de la reserva. Sin duda, ha sido LA EXPERIENCIA para nosotros y sobre todo, para nuestros hijos. Hay q vivirla, al menos una vez, en Tambo Blanquillo....
juan i
juan i
tambo blanquillo ( Amazonia 2023) Everything worked perfectly for a family of four with kids of 11 and 14 years at Tambo Blanquillo. First of all , it was first time in Amazonia for my wife and kids and right now this is what they cherish and recall more from a trip of 25 days where we also visited Pisco , Lima ,Huacachina , Arequipa , Paracas, Colca Valley, Cusco ,... * Booking:/ pre-trip all details sorted out in time and plenty of details and recommendations * Trip :all team worked perfectly but special regards to a/David ( Guide ) : looking for so many mammals ,birds, caymans ,... For planning such experiences as fishing piranhas with the kids ( for dinner) , searching for capibaras at dusk, explaining links and relations between all animals ( insects, birds, fish , ...) in the Amazonian ecosystem and humans b:/ Rufina ( cook) for blending smoothly amazonian food and drinks ( delicious) with European tastes *Location: we knew that there were other options closer to Puerto Maldonado but we finished the trip with the feeling that our choice was the right one * My personal experience : I think I will never forget the different navigations on the river ( Misty , cloudy , sunny , at night, early morning ,..) . Always different and magical
Une expérience mémorable 🤩🤩 Tout le monde devrait avoir la possibilité de découvrir Tambo Blanquillo, un endroit unique en son genre. Je n'ai jamais vu autant d'animaux de ma vie, vivant dans leur habitat naturel et nous montrant les vraies couleurs de la vie. J'ai juste envie d'y retourner encore et encore. De plus, pour enrichir l'expérience de la faune, je dois dire que j'ai goûté à l'une des meilleures cuisines de ma vie grâce à Rufina. Salutations à toute l'équipe de Tambo Blanquillo, continuez le bon travail !!!
Milena R
Milena R
Incroyable Nous avons passé un moment formidable au Tambo Blanquillo !!! L'un des endroits les plus riches en biodiversité sur terre, avec plus de 900 espèces d'oiseaux et beaucoup de vie sauvage. Nous avions l'impression d'être l'équipe BCC de la série "Planète Terre". Dès le moment où notre guide David est venu nous chercher, nous nous sommes immédiatement sentis entre de bonnes mains. À notre arrivée, Rufina et Leo nous ont fait nous sentir chez nous avec une nourriture incroyable. Nous reviendrons certainement et recommanderons à tous nos amis !
Maria Fernanda L
Maria Fernanda L
La mejor experiencia en la naturaleza Disfruté mucho en Tambo Blanquillo Private Reserve, el clima fue muy variado lo cual nos permitió vivir de días con sol y lluvia (una gran y linda experiencia para mi) tuvimos la oportunidad de ver todas las especies de aves desde guacamayos, tapires, monos en su habitad natural, caimanes y lobos de río. El servicio de alimentación y hospedaje fue muy bueno y el equipo fue bastante gentil y atento. Recomiendo el lugar al 100% para conectar con la naturaleza.
Luz Zurita
Luz Zurita
¡El paraiso! ¡Una experiencia inolvidable en la selva! Un lugar para desconectar con un clima tropical. Y unos anfitriones super atentos y disponibles todo el tiempo! Ver muchos animales en su habitad natural fue espectacular! ¡Para repetir!
Mette B
Mette B
Fantastiske rammer for en oplevelse i regnskoven Vores allerbedste anbefaling til Tambo Blanquillo , hvor vi havde fem dage / fire nætter: God kontakt og forberedelse forud for vores besøg. Gode faciliteter både i forhold til overnatning og diverse look outs, ikke mindst Macaw Clay-lick og Canopy Tower (tree top), Rigt dyreliv som blev præsenteret og oplevet med hjælp fra David, vores superdygtige og behagelige guide. Tak til Rufina, Leandro, Carlos og Señor Hugo for virkelig god forplejning og dejlig, afslappet og familiær atmosfære. Vi fik et lærerigt indblik i både dyreliv og den lokale kultur og forhold.
Wild Peruvian Amazon We had a great visit to Tambo Blanquillo in September of 2022. The trip combined excellent wildlife viewing and bird watching along with interesting cultural elements. Our guide on the trip was Darwin and we coordinated the trip with Angel Barta from Tambo Blanquillo. We started the trip in Cusco where we acclimated for a couple of days prior to the journey. We meet Darwin in the evening prior to the trip for a pre-briefing and started very early the next morning. We spent the first day driving over the Andes to Cock of the Rock Lodge where we spent two nights. The morning drive went thru the countryside and villages with several interesting stops. Most notably we toured the pre-Inca funeral towers at Ninamarca and had a late breakfast and walking tour/museum visit in Paucatambo. We also briefly stopped at a town specializing in bread where Darwin bought us a fresh baked loaf and we checked out the huge oven. Paucatambo sits at the crossroads between the rainforest area and the Andes and was an important city for both the Inca and the Spanish. Today it has a colorful colonial era core and hosts the annual Virgen de Carmen festival in mid-July. This is one of Peru’s most important celebrations and while you may not be lucky enough to visit during the festival itself the museum gives you a great overview of the event including dozens of the actual costumes. We next headed over the Andes and entered the famous Manu National Park. The park entry area is in the unique high altitude elfin forest with views stretching thousands of feet down the river canyons. The road winds its way down from the crest entering the cloud forest while passing waterfalls and driving thru tunnels and over bridges. We stopped for several roadside walks to view the flora and fauna spotting several birds and interesting plant species in the process. In the late afternoon we arrived at the comfortable Cock of the Rock lodge for a two-night stay. I strongly recommend anyone travelling this way stay more than a single night in the cloud forest. Staying two nights allowed us to view the lodge feeders on two evenings and two mornings with some new sightings each time. These feeders and the lodge grounds themselves have great birding, monkey and small mammal viewing. We walked one of the trails from the lodge but didn’t seem much on that trail – The road itself seemed to offer a better chance of spotting birds/mammals as it is more open. Staying two nights also allowed us to visit the Cock of the Rock lek twice on the layover day (once in the morning and once in the evening). We were able to take additional roadside birding/mammal viewing walks. Darwin knows this area well extremely well and made the most of our cloud forest stay. After our two-night stay we completed the drive to the river port at Atalaya with another roadside walk in a different area of the cloud forest. At Atalaya we were meet by a boat for the journey down the Rio alto Madre de Dios to Tambo Blanquillo itself. This was another interesting journey with bird sightings and views of village and farming life along the river. The boat ride itself was comfortable and we ate a prepacked lunch during the journey. We arrived at Tambo Blanquillo in the late afternoon allowing plenty of time to settle in and recover in time for dinner. We stayed in a Bungalow Suite which was comfortable with nice fans inside the sleeping area which really helped with the heat. Although I don’t recall her name, the cook/camp manager was excellent. The food was very good, and we often took a packaged lunch or breakfast along the excursions. We had different types of fresh fruit beverages with each meal and the bar had plenty of ice-cold beer/soda. We had three full days at the lodge which I would say is about the right amount of time. It allowed us two mornings at the Blanquillo Clay Lick and two afternoons at Blanco Oxbow Lake (our two favorite activities). On the middle day we visited the Canopy Tower, Camungo Oxbow Lake and Blanquillo Oxbow Lake all of which were interesting with some good birding. Tambo Blanquillo does an excellent job protecting the environment and you can really see the results of years of conservation. The clay lick is an amazing experience and was well worth visiting twice. The platform itself is extremely well constructed with two long rows of seats, a shelf/desk in front of the seats for resting gear and restrooms. The raised structure has two long connected sides and is probably over 100 meters in length. It allows viewing anywhere along the clay lick and a long stretch of the forest behind and on either end. In total we saw ~ 10 to 12 different macaw, parrot, and parakeet species and literally hundreds if not thousands of individual birds at the clay lick. At one point we counted over 40 red and green macaws in a single tree. When something would disturb the birds there would be an explosion of wings which was always spectacular and then they would usually settle back down. We also saw a large troop of squirrel monkeys passing overhead along the trail to the viewing platform. On our second visit a sloth climbed into the viewing platform and took a nap overhead while we ate breakfast. Overall, we spotted >120 bird species and > 10 mammal species on this 7-day journey. Everyone involved with the trip from the van and boat drivers to the camp staff was excellent. Darwin deserves a special shout out as he is truly outstanding guide and made the most of the trip. He has a wealth of knowledge having grown up and lived/worked in the region for decades. Angel was also extremely helpful in setting up/planning the trip and we always felt comfortable and in good hands. Check out the Tambo Blanquillo Instagram page and you will see a good representation of photos which they have curated including around a dozen shots from our trip. Finally – It’s worth pointing out the work that Tambo Blanquillo has done over the past decades preserving this part of the Amazon. You can really feel the impact the lodge has made preserving this unique environment.
Anthony Z
Anthony Z
Didn't reach destination but professional company ! We're writing the review regarding professionalism as we actually never managed to complete the trip! Attempt number 1 was during Covid and of course it had to be postponed. Angel and team remained in touch and agreed to give us a credit for a future trip. This 2nd attempt was in August of this year and while the overall trip to Peru was fantastic, our attempt to visit Manu was foiled due to a miners strike that blocked the main access road. Once again, Angel and team did their best but decided to put safety first. We tried twice to reach Tambillo Blanqiilo but the road remain blocked. Despite not being able to complete our trip , we reached an amicable settlement on a partial refund which we're satisfied with. Despite not completing our journey, we would highly recommend this company.

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    Our Location

    Tambo Blanquillo Lodge is located in Manu National Park - Peru

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